with child: encountering god alongside mothers in the bible
Enter the lives of Sarah, Hannah, and other women in the Bible to discover how becoming a mother impacted, and often transformed, their relationships with God
Although our cultural and historical circumstances differ, the struggles of these ancient women were not unlike those we face today. Step into the sandals of real women and learn through their spiritual journeys how we can bring our joys, triumphs, fears, and griefs to God—whether we have been called to motherhood or not—because we are all his children.
With Child offers us a precious opportunity to read the Bible through a mother’s eyes. Danielle Jones writes as a mother about mothers, bringing Scripture to life in fresh and vivid ways. Without motherhood, we would have no God with us in the flesh. That alone is reason to pick up this book. Jones’s beautiful storytelling and wise reflections give us many more.
—Christie Purifoy, author of Seedtime & Harvest
ISBN 978-1-941106-39-6 | List $22.99
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