Birds in the Sky, Fish in the Sea: Attending to Creation with Delight and Wonder
The Lord our God has set his glory in the heavens and made us stewards over the works of his hands—all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild. Yet how often do we stop to consider the world around us, or take time to be mindful of the creatures God has made? In Birds in the Sky, Fish in the Sea, a writer and an artist collaborate to help us delight and wonder at the works of God, and in doing so, deepen our understanding of why such attentive wonder is so important. Through careful attentiveness to creation, Matthew Dickerson and Matthew Clark draw us toward deeper worship of the Creator—the one who made not only birds and fishes, but also trees and toads, lizards and lilies, and even the bumblebees of our own backyards. Begin to explore our Father’s world through this mosaic collection of essays, poems, drawings, and prints, allowing it to inspire you to join with all of Creation and sing “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Whether you rarely venture into woods and wild or revel in nights under starlight, or simply love the local park, this visually lovely and richly thoughtful book will invite you to look again and be amazed and delighted at the creatures with whom we share the planet and the mystery of being at all, including those “formed to frolic.” The rare combination of personal reflection, poetry, biblical understanding and exquisitely detailed images makes it a book to linger over, reread, and share.
—Marilyn McEntyre author of Midwinter Light: Meditations for the Long Season
ISBN 978-1-941106-40-2 | List $25.99
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